BirthDay GiveAway to K.DayangJack & Eyana...
<:-P <:-P <:-P <:-P <:-P
Today is a very special day for K.DayangJack coz it's her Birthday, together with her Hubby...both same date! ;)
Another Birthday Baby is,... Eyana (daughter of Hasue) who just turned 1 today! :)
Love wish U all A Very Happy Birthday! May your life filled with lotsa joy, love and peace! \:D/
Some gifts for U both...
For Kak DayangJack...
LOveeee...thanks yer....susah2 jer bg eyana hadiah yg soooo cutee nih..hehe.sue dah ambik,nanti sue update it alot.. cubitkan pp ur kids 4 me ya..hihi