
Showing posts from November, 2009

Homemade Chicken Rice again...

Hi Everyone! Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to all Muslim cyberfrens! Ramai dah balik kampung ker...long weekend holidays lagik! Anyways, wish U all have a safe journey back to kampung and wherever U all go...Hati2 di Jalanraya ! Okey, for today's lunch Love did Chicken Rice again as per Hubby's request...! So, layan jer la gambar lunch kita orang yer! For the Chicken Rice Recipe, pls CLICK !

JJCM at Bangi Kopitiam...

Our project yest noon! We Jalan2 Cari Makan at newly opened Bangi Kopitiam...well we didn't drive upto Bangi but it's in Klang itself! The food is so so la...I won't say it's very good! Boleh makan...hehe.. Worait, layan the pics taken at the restaurant ya! Hailam Chicken Rice...(so so only) Fried Rice Chicken Chop (not bad)... Bandung Cincau (tak sedap) ... and Milo... Mango Smoothie... (Love ordered this coz Bandung Cincau not good) Spring Rolls (sedaaaaaap!)... My kids posing... Rishie having his Milo...

Healthy Dinner by Hubby...

Hehehe, this was our dinner last night! My hubby made Egg Sandwiches for's healthy to have this kinda meal everyday coz it's rich of nutrients... Actually, U can also have these Egg Sandwiches for breakfast...but Love dun take breakfast, so it became dinner la! The ingredients were --> toasted bread slices, scrambled egg + milk, cucumbers, tomatoes, salads, onions and chilli sauce . U may also add some tuna and mayonese. That's it...tastes really good ya! I just loved it! Tenkiu dear Hubby...please do for me again... Worait, that's all for now! Take care all...

Ikan Bulus Goreng dan Sothi...

Late n3 for yesterday's menu...hehehe... Love goreng Ikan Bulus dan masak Sothi (Indian style Masak Lemak, tapi vegetarian jer)... After sharks...Love mmg suka makan Ikan Bulus goreng camni...same goes with my Hubby... We enjoyed till the last piece...hahaha! Okey, layan the pics ya! Ikan Bulus Goreng... Ikan Bulus nih diperap bersama serbuk kari ikan, serbuk cili, serbuk kunyit, tepung jagung, tepung beras, sedikit air dan garam selama 30 minit sebelum digoreng. Selepas digoreng, angkat dan ketepikan. Kurangkan minyak dan tumis hirisan bawang besar, cili kering dan daun kari. Angkat, toskan minyak dan taburkan tumisan tadi di atas ikan yang telah digoreng..mudah sahaja kan. Sothi...

Ashika's Birthday Celebration...

Hi everyone! Well, I don't wanna talk much here...straight to the main news...kekekeke! Here are some pics taken during Ashika's 1st Birthday celebration last Saturday evening, 21st November'09... A small party was held at Chola Kitchen Restaurant (click to view their webpage)... This restaurant is just newly opened, situated right opposite Aeon Jusco Bukit Tinggi... U may find all delicious menu here especially South Indian cuisine. The reason we chose this restaurant is bcoz of their elegantly decorated indoor. The restaurant has a delightful ambiance... Thus, we booked a long table for 20 pax for the night...also pre-ordered the was definately tasty...specially cooked for our party...very good! The cake in box... Chocolate Indulgence from SR... Cake is ready... The Birthday Gal, Ashika...waiting for guests... Ashika enjoying a piece of cake... Rishie and Ashika with their cousins and my younger sis... Ashika with my sisters... Ehem...