
Showing posts from October, 2010

♥...Terribly Busy, let's have some Nasi Lemak!...♥

Hi friends!!! So sorry for missing in action. I'm terribly busy right now with Diwali nearing the corner. Lots of things need to be I will be not posting as often as I did before. For now, join me for a Nasi Lemak brunch! hehehe... Okey, take care all ...see U next time!

♥...Friday Food Review ~ Apam Pisang Coklat (Steamed Banana Choc Appam/Muffin)...♥

Blessed Friday To U... It's time for Friday Food Review with love2cook again... Alright for this week's review, I'll take U a ride to Osaka, Japan! It's none other than to by our dear friend Ros ... A mom of three, Ros always has impressed us with her baking skills. She bakes her own breads and buns. Her cakes and Malaysian dishes will make U salivate for sure! She also randomly shares some Japanese cuisines too! Great na... So today, I'm gonna post on her recent Apam Pisang Coklat ( Steamed Banana Choc Appam/Muffin ). A savoury steamed type muffin I would say. The combination of mashed banana and cocoa will make U go ga-ga and ask for more and more...seriously! I've made them twice already...hehe! Well, the original recipe has got egg in it...but I substituted with plain yogurt during my first attempt. It was so moisty...really yummy! Then, I followed the recipe by adding egg in my second attempt. Still good! Ooooh la la! Chec...

♥...Yogurt Fried Chicken with Corn Flakes and Breadcrumb...♥

Came back again with yet another fried chicken dish. Hehehe... I've posted on my Yogurt Fried Chicken (YFC) before. Do also check on my YFC Drumsticks Special ... This time I tried adding some crushed corn flakes and breadcrumbs to make it double crunchy. Yummmmm! YOGURT FRIED CHICKEN with Corn Flakes & Breadcrumbs ... Ingredients :~ (A) 1 whole chicken ~ cleaned and cut into medium sizes, drained. ( I used drumsticks this time) 1 cup/250ml plain yogurt 6 garlic cloves ~ finely pounded 2 inches ginger ~ finely pounded 1 tbsp paprika powder 1 tbsp cayenne powder salt to taste 2 sprigs of curry leaves (B) Mix together 1.5 cups wheat flour ( u may also add some rice flour ) 1 tsp baking powder 1 tbsp cayenne powder 1 tbsp paprika powder a pinch of salt -------------------------------------- 2 cups crushed corn flakes or breadcrumbs Cooking Methods :~ In a large bowl, marinate chicken together with all ingredients (A) for 2-3 hours. ( may also marinate overnight ). Once...

♥..Prawn with Quail Egg Sambal...♥

Good Morning everyone! How U been??? Happy Monday, let's rock the week! Hehehe... Well, my Hubby is back in town and we are having a great time together! Loved to see the kids with their Papa. I can get some rest too...ahaha! Hubby suppose to be resting, but it's other way around here! Here's a simple recipe from my kitchen... PRAWN with QUAIL EGG SAMBAL by love2cook ( Sambal Udang Telur Puyuh ) Ingredients :~ 1 kg medium sized prawns~ skinned and deveined, mix with some salt 10-15 pcs quail eggs ~ boiled and shelled 15-20 pcs dried chilli ** ~ soaked in hot water awhile 8 pcs shallots **  5 garlic cloves ** 1 large onion ** 3 tbsps cleaned anchovies ** ~ rinsed 1 inch shrimp paste (belacan) ** 2 lemongrass stalks ** 1/2 inch fresh turmeric ** 1 inch ginger ** sufficient water 3 tbsp tamarind extract salt to taste  cooking oil Method :~ Blend all ingredients marked ** with little water. Heat oil in wok, fry the prawns half-cooked. Dish out....

♥...Friday Food Review ~ Bread Pudding & Custard Sauce...♥

Blessed Friday to All.. I'd always love to experiment recipes from fellow bloggers, cookbooks and food websites. I did try and posted many here before. Right now, I'm in the midst of clearing my looooooooooooong bookmark list. Deleted a few, plenty to try on... Came the idea of making a weekly post specially for tried and tested recipes. Thus, Friday Food Review begins from today! I shall be highlighting each and every recipe which doesn't belong to me but has been tried in my very own kitchen with U every stay tuned! As an opening dish and a kick-start for the event...I shall start with a dessert, Bread Pudding & Custard Sauce . After drooled over at Kak Hana's blog, I went to my kitchen straightaway to check on the ingredients. Having all items in stock, I started preparing the yummylicious pudding! Seriously, I was never a fan of bread pudding ( Kak Hana knew this very well...kan kak??? hahaha! teringat zaman kanak2 kat MyR! ) ...

♥...Hubby, Foodie Blogroll, Foodista & An Award...♥

Hehehe, U must be wondering what the title is all about! Okey, lemme first announce that my darling Hubby will be leaving his vessel from Macae today. By the time he leaves, it'll be almost dark in Malaysia. Haishhhh... After a long flight, he'll reach KLIA Malaysia on Saturday noon. We've planned to receive him at the airport this time. I did that long time ago with Rishie. Now, it's time to take along both Rishie and Ashika and see their Papa's arrival. Phew, wish me luck with her! Haha... Now, moving on with Foodie Blogroll. I was so excited this morning when I saw an e-mail from FB saying my blog is listed in their Featured Blogs of the week! WOW, great news na! Actually I hardly open my mails, otherwise I would have known this much earlier. It's okey, luckily I could grab a screen capture and saved it to my folder. Foodista...Well I've been posting selective recipes from my blog to Foodista whenever I'm online. It's really interesting to see lot...

♥...Nasi Lemak Bungkus (Wrapped Coconut/Creamy Rice)...♥

Hello, good morning friends!!! First of all I would like to thank all the good-hearts out there for wishing me and my Hubby on our 7th Anniversary yesterday. I was so happy to see 56 comments under my post and also at my shoutbox, nothing but wishes wishes and wishes! Heartiest Thank You to all U! For those who missed the post...see entry before this or click HERE . Okey, coming to my today's post title...I did not prepare any Nasi Lemak Bungkus but I wanted to share something about it. This is merely like promoting the Nasi Lemak Bungkus, be'coz we just loved the taste. Usually Nasi Lemak Bungkus is wrapped much earlier using banana leaf. The aroma of the banana leaf will give magic to the content! The amount of rice is little just enough for a light breakfast. It's also sold at cheaper price. Other condiments besides the coconut rice, would be some anchovies sambal, egg slice, fried anchovies and some cucumbers. Now where do I buy these Nasi Lemak Bungkus??? After t...

♥...1210 ~ Our 7th Wedding Anniversary and beloved Kids...♥

An auspicious day in my life. This day, in 2003...WE got united through an eternal wedlock ceremony, witnessed by family and friends. I can still remember every bit of happiness and excitement I felt throughout the engagement, wedding and reception process at this very moment. Such a memorable day... As the gift for our never-ending love...God has sent us, Rishie and Ashika. They are our souls, they mean what life is to us. We feel complete with their presence and could never ask for more! We love you is impossible without U both! Dear Hubby, I love U so much Chelo...missing U on this back on Saturday! Thank U so much for the beautiful life U've given and still giving... Here, presenting our beloved Rishie and Ashika. Some pictures taken around August-October 2010. Sincere Thank You to all of U for coming over and wishing Us today...God Bless!