
Showing posts from December, 2011

♥...Recap of 2011 @ Love2cook...♥

2011 has just passed at it's own pace, almost to the end now, giving us lots of good and bad memories to cherish. Many would have achieved or gained something in this year, my heartiest congratulations to you! Let us cherish every moments of 2011 and welcome the soon-to-come 2012 with hands wide open! :) I thought of doing a short recap on my food posts in 2011, based on those received highest visit counts and comments . I will be skipping a few here. Wanna thank each and every one of you for all your visits and valuable comments/views at my space. All that encouraged me to keep going eventhough I felt like retiring from Bloggywood at times. But seems like that is not gonna happen, for now, atleast ...haha! So, here I start from January till December 2011. Please click on the images to view the posts/recipes...:) Chicken Manchurian Lemon Yoghurt Muffin Bread & Butter Pudding Banana Cake Crispy Anchovies Roti Jala / Lacy Crepes Buttermilk Fried Chicken Wings  Musta...

♥...Squids in Red Coconut Curry... ♥

Merry Christmas Folks! So how is the celebration getting on??? Sure you all had loads of fun and the joy will continue till New Year. Enjoy!!! :) Here's a simple yet easy to make and delicious squid curry. I'm not a big fan of squid except for the cripsy fried rings... Rishie loves squids made curry, so this is for him. SQUIDS IN COCONUT CURRY by love2cook Ingredients:~ 800gm squids ~ cleaned and cut into rings 5 cloves garlic * 2 inches ginger * 1/4 tsp mixed spices (cumin, mustard seeds, fenugreek) 1 pc onion ~ sliced 2 green chillies ~ sliced 1 large potato ~ cut into big cubes 1 sprig curry leaves 3 tbsp chilli powder (or.. 2 tbsp curry powder & 1 tbsp chilli powder) 1/2 tsp turmeric powder 1 cup coconut milk 1 tbsp tamarind juice 1 large tomato ~ sliced water salt to taste Method :~ Pound together garlic and ginger.  Mix chilli and turmeric powder with a little water to form a paste. Heat oil in wok and saute mixed spices, onions, gre...

♥...Banana Pancakes, Eggless :)... ♥

Let's breakfast with Banana Pancakes...add topping of your choice; maple syrup, caramel sauce, grilled banana, a scoop of ice cream or any fruits! BANANA PANCAKES, Eggless by love2cook Ingredients :~ 1 1/2 cups plain flour ~ abt 180gm 1 tsp baking powder 3 tbsps sugar ~ depends on the banana sweetness a pinch of salt 1 1/2 cups fresh milk ~ abt 325ml 2 ripe bananas ~ mashed margerine Method :~ In a bowl, whisk together plain flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Add milk gradually, keep whisking until it forms a smooth batter. (You may just blend these ingredients together). Add mashed banana into the batter and mix. Heat a nonstick pan with margerine. Scoop some batter and pour over the pan, cook awhile and turn over. Fry until it turns golden brown. Set aside. Repeat till done and stack! Ready to serve! We had the pancakes topped with ice cream and grilled bananas. I'm gonna have mine now! What about you??? ;) Here's wishing my friends a...

♥...Chicken Fried Mayonnaise Sambal...♥

A quick post for today!!! CHICKEN FRIED MAYONNAISE SAMBAL by love2cook ( Ayam Goreng Sambal Mayonis ) Ingredients :~ (A) Marinade together 1 chicken ~ cut and cleaned 1 tsp coarse blackpepper 1 egg salt (B) For Sambal (blend together) 3/4 - 1 cup dried chilli paste 6 pcs shallots 4 cloves garlic 1 inch ginger 2 pcs candlenuts (buah keras) 1 inch fresh turmeric Other ingredients: 2 onions ~ sliced 1/2 - 1 cup cornflour 2 tbsp mayonnaise salt sugar water oil Cooking method :~ Marinade ingredients A for 15 minutes.  Coat chicken pieces in cornflour and deep fry in oil until golden brown. Set aside.  Heat oil, saute the blended paste until fragrant and oil parts. Add onion and stir. Add sufficient water, sugar and salt. Allow to boil. Add in fried chicken pieces, mix well. Let simmer for 2 minutes and turn off the heat. Add mayonnaise and mix evenly. Dish out.   Thanks for visiting :)

♥...Spicy Rolls (Popia Pedas)...♥

A snack which topped my favourite snacks list recently. So easy to prepare, so easy to munch! Anytime, anywhere... Wow...close to an ad right??? Haha. Okey friends, here's my short return to the bloggywood with a simple yet crunchy snack, made with fried spring roll sheets and anchovies sambal. You don't have much to do except for rolling the sheets one by one. Recipe adapted from a lovely cook cum mother, Mas who blogs her food at Mas: Duniaku :) Thank you Mas for sharing the wonderful recipe. Rasanya dah banyak kali Love bagitau kat Mas pasal popia pedas ni yang tak sempat nak snap kan. Hah...baru dapat chance! Here's the recipe, translated. Please head over to Mas' blog for more!  SPICY ROLLS ( POPIA PEDAS ) by Mas Ingredients :~ One pack of spring roll sheets ( I used the medium size ) 1 egg ~ beaten OR form a glue paste using plain flour and water Ingredients for sauce:      4 tbsp dried chilli paste      1 mediu...

♥...812 -> Rishie hits 7 !!!...♥

  Birthday celebration continues in my family this month too!!! It's none other than Rishie, our first bundle of joy, born on 8 December 2004, turne 7 today :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY RISHIE!!! MAY YOU STAY HEALTHY AND CHEERFUL!!! WISH YOU EXCEL IN YOUR STUDIES AS ALWAYS!!! LOVE YOU BABY..... FROM PAPA, AMMA AND ASHIKA ;) He's lucky coz Papa is around for his birthday this year and received his chosen birthday gift a day before. Here are some shots of Rishie with his gifts. We'll be taking him and Ashika for an outing today, and a surprise cake tonight! :) p/s: I hope to be back with my food posts soon, so pls stay tuned. Thank you for coming over :) Rishie with his Bumble Bee mask :) His Rally Racer...  See ya'll again!!! Take care and have a great day!!! ^____^

♥...Ashika's 3rd Birthday Celebration Pics...♥

Hello and goodday to one and cyber friends, readers, visitors and followers :) Back again to share some pics from my daughter's birthday party! We hosted a dinner party in conjunction with Ashika's 3rd Birthday at the Royal Gourmet, Premiere Hotel, Klang last Saturday, 26 November. Themed Mickey and Minnie, the hall was beautifully decorated with Mickey and Minnie helium balloons. We also brought in Mickey and Minnie mascots together with Chee Chee Clown just to entertain the kids. As expected, the kids had loads of fun the whole evening. Can see so much joy in their eyes when they saw Mickey and Minnie, and more during Chee Chee's magical and game show. :) Not forgetting, the cake is also a specially ordered 3D Mickey and Minnie! Overall, the evening turned out a grand success with overwhelming crowd which we didn't expect at all. The food, catered by the hotel, also did not disappoint our guests. Felt so happy and satisfied when everyone complime...