
Showing posts from December, 2012

2012 A Memorable Journey...& Welcome 2013!!!

It's 31st of December...the last Monday of 2012! All praises and gratitude to the Lord for keeping us alive towards another wonderful year of 2013 :)

Chocolate Crinkles & MERRY CHRISTMAS!



I used to have this dish during my younger days. It's my Aunt's recipe and I'm sharing here with you! The dish may sound weird to you but I just love it! Am not a person who can have bread with butter and jam spread. It should be either toasted with butter and sugar / cheese / egg for me. I still remember those days when my Aunt makes this simple bread & egg stir fry. A good way of finishing leftover bread! Somehow the idea struck my mind when I was planning our dinner last night. Check it out ;)

Soy Milk & Grass Jelly Pudding (Puding Soya Cincau)...

Hello everyone, hope everything is good at your end. School break gives me more opportunity to try new recipes, shoot and blog them. I tried few new dishes this break and was certainly happy with the results. And this pudding was one of the trials. Believe me or not, I made this second time as my first attempt didn't really satisfy me. This time, it turned out good with right consistency. I love puddings, especially if it's eggless! Sometimes I can't stand egg smell in a pudding. Just plain milk puddings are my most favourite! Today, it's a pudding made of soy milk and grass jelly (cincau). You can ask Mr WIKI for more details about grass jelly ;) I often make Grass Jelly drink at refreshes my tummy after a heavy meal, lol! Grass Jelly can be found in any super/hypermarkets. They come in plain, sweetened or flavoured packs. Try having your chilled soy milk by adding some chopped grass jelly in it! Ahhhhhhh...slurpy! Okay, hope that is enough...l...

Ikan Masak Merah / Fish in Spicy Red Sauce...

A delayed post...

12~12~12 ~> Ashika's Orientation Day 1 at Smart Reader Kids :)

It's time for Ashika to move on to another level, a kindergarten kid. As decided, we enrolled her to Smart Reader Kids Bandar Bukit Tinggi, the same kindie her brother Rishie went to from 2009-2010. Her session will commence in January 2013 but the orientation started today and will go on for 3 days until Friday. I was little worried on how my girl will cope with the new phase in her life. I managed to put up a strong face infront of her giving her all the support I could, keeping my Hubby in thoughts. I know it would be hard for my Hubby to see his little girl going to school, but that's life...haha!

Homemade Dadih / Soft Milk Pudding...

I was suppose to publish a hot and spicy fish recipe, but noticed this dessert already waiting in the queue. So why not chill ourselves with this delicious dessert first! Fish next... ;) One of my favourite Malay style dessert, Dadih is a soft pudding made of fresh milk, water, sugar, salt and agar-agar powder. You can also add fruit flavourings. Although there are few instant Dadih available in the store, I would still prefer to make this one at home. Simple ingredients, yet...delish!!! I have made them countless times...that much I'm addicted to this dessert. Recipe was shared by, none other than my dearest friend in Bloggywood. A well-wisher who've been with me for more than 3 years now...the very generous KAK NOR who blogs her yummy dishes at Secubit Garam ( A Pinch of Salt ) . Check the Instant Dadih I made before, topped with cocktail fruits and bananas HERE !    

Rishie hits 8 today...♥

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR RISHIE!!!  You are the first to call us Papa and Amma...and that was the greatest honour we received!  Thank you dear baby! Love you so much.  May God bless you with all the happiness and great health. Keep smiling as always dear son :) ~Papa, Amma, Ashika~

Wordless Wednesday ~> ♥ ASHIKA ♥


Prawn & Petai (Bitter Bean) Sambal...

Oops I overlooked at this dish, which was in my draft for a week already! Petai or the Bitter Bean, commonly served in anchovy or prawn sambal is my family's favourite. Although I prefer petai with anchovies combo, I had to use prawn this time as my son craved for it all the time! As I don't eat prawn, the sambal and petai enough for me! The peculiar smell of petai is not my daughter, Ashika's Alternatively, you can also use my Anchovies Sambal recipe and add petai. Goes well with plain rice or Nasi Lemak :) Just skip petai in this recipe if you don't eat them!


Dear weight-watchers and durian haters, you may enter with! Durian-lovers, enjoy!!! Durian Crepes, Durian Crepes, Durian Crepes...this is the only title I currently read at most of the Malaysian food blogs. Gosh, I was so tempted to make this! Durian Crepes has gone viral all over... Durian, as we call it the "King of Fruits" is largely famous in Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia. Although it can be the most favourite fruit of all, the distinctive odour, can be too strong for some. In my family, everyone loves durian except for our little Ashika! She will put that disgusted face when she sees us enjoying durian! But she somehow joined me and Rishie for these Durian Crepes today. She had one piece ;) Now, how is a Durian Crepe made? Yes, basically you need to make the crepes just like how you make pancakes, but here the crepes must be really thin. The crepes then will be filled with durian flesh and whipped fresh cream. Some also add custard cream. I shall ...