♥...A Bunch of Roses from Secubit Garam...♥

Yeeeeeehaaaaaa!!! I got roses...I got roses!!! It came all the way from Terengganu...from Kak Nor @ Secubit Garam ! She has one lovely blog with huge collection of finger lickin' good dishes! I knew Kak Nor even before I started blogging via Myresipi. We shared good rapport until now. I always consider her as my 'sifu'! Still remember I was asking so much questions about puddings. Well...I was a newbie then. I mistakenly thought that I was following her blog all these while. Her blog was always in my bookmark list and also at my bloglist. Thus, I found out while checking some stuffs at my blog dashboard yesterday. I was listing down every blog that I follow and happened to find her blog was missing in my reading list! I jumped into her blog to click on follow, but what a miracle!!!! I happened to be her 1000th Follower!!! That's so cool na... In conjunction with this, she has gifted me a lovely bunch of roses! Thank You so much Kak Nor!!! I'm really happy ...