
Showing posts from April, 2010

♥...Some Pics of our New Home...♥

Jeng jeng jeng...goodday all!!! My connection is super fast right now, so I'm not wasting any second blabbering...straight to the premier show of my new kitchen...themed Black & White ... Also premiering my dear Hubby's Marine Tank ..standing tough as the divider between the 2nd living hall and dining. Can view the coral and fishes from 3 angles... Oh yeah, some of my cyberfriends had been asking for shots of our new home…I'll post some here too… Welcome to my Home! Have a glass of Freshly made Orange Juice... My Kitchen! All Black and White…hihi… White Acrylic cabinets – White wall tiles – Tabletop Granite (Black Galaxy from India) – Black Floor tiles (Black Galaxy) From back view Another view Okey, here’s where I cook! hihi… Front view - that’s my Hubby Marine Tank My Hubby’s reef…not packed with corals as yet The Inhabitants… I like this fish…Purple Anthias...

♥...love2cook is Back new Oven and a Cake...♥

Halloooooooooooooooooooo my dear friends!!! How U all been??? Been a month now since my last post! We were really occupied with our new home...decorating and arranging stuffs...phew! It's all complete now and Hubby is back to work as Brazil... Actually our new home has no proper internet connection as yet, waiting for phone lines from Telekom so that I can surf with my streamyx...( thanks to my Hubby for commenting at shoutbox about my situation here )... I'm currently using Maxis broadband...real lousy from noon way I could open my blog with this super-duper connection...haishhh... Surprisingly, it's been working fine since this morning...but dunno when it'll drop connection again... So, back to my new home story...we had the Housewarming prayers on 3th April and started to live in since then. We are enjoying every moment here now ( though we are missing our former home, which we've planned to sell ). I have a brand-new kitchen now,...