
Showing posts from September, 2009

Prawn Rendang ~repeat...

Hi everyone!!! How U all doing out there? ;) Wokey, main dish for today Love buat Prawn Rendang again! :)) Actually like Love dah inform hari tuh...Love tried lotsa new recipes when Hubby kat offshore. Karang while he's on holidays here, Love will be doing again all those new recipes for him pulak! ;;) Hubby said this Prawn Rendang tastes so good! So can be done again! kekekeke! ;) As U all know resipi Prawn Rendang nih adalah courtesy by Kak Fida@MyR! ;)) For those yang belum try! Make sure U try it out! :)) Check out the recipe here --> CLICK

Real simple dishes for today...

Hi u all doing there??? ;) Anyways, hari nih Hubby mintak Love masak too simple jer...actually dia nak makan nasi ngan Rasam dan sayur jer coz he's not feeling well.. :( Love buat sedikit Sambal Ikan Bilis dan Kentang favourite... ;;) So layan jer la erk gambo dishes simple Love hari nih... :) Sorry tak banyak update lately... lil bz... Rasam... Kacang Panjang Mix... Sambal Ikan Bilis dan Kentang... ;)) Have a great weekend ahead!

Dinner at Lotus Family Restaurant...

Last night we went out for dinner to Lotus Family Restaurant...just for simple menus... ;) As usual Love ordered Mihun Goreng Ayam Pedas...Hubby ordered Mee Goreng Mamak...then some Chicken Satays... ;;) Drinks were Teh Tarik n Sour Plum Juice...! ;) Some pics of our dishes...and the model Rishie :))

BeansCarrot Mixvege...

Love share resipi BeansCarrot Mixvege here! ;) Bahan2nya:- segenggam kacang buncis (dibersihkan dan dihiris) 1 batang carrot (dipotong ikut suka) segenggam ikan bilis (digoreng terlebih dahulu) 1 cm halia - dicincang 3 ulas bawang putih - dicincang 1 bawang besar - dihiris sedikit daun kari 1 biji cili merah 1 biji cili hijau sedikit biji sawi sedikit biji jintan manis 1 sb sos tiram garam dan aji secukupnya minyak masak Cara memasaknya :- Panaskan minyak dlm kuali. Tumis biji sawi, jintan manis, halia dan bawang putih hingga naik bau. Masukkan bawang besar, cili hijau, cili merah dan daun kari. Tumis sekejap. Masukkan kacang buncis dan carrot, garam, aji dan sos tiram. Gaul mesra dan tutupkan sebentar ngan penutup kuali. Akhir sekali, masukkan ikan bilis yang telah digoreng terlebih dahulu dan gaul sebati. Padamkan api. Itu sahaja!!! Simple kan! ;))

2 simple dishes for today...

Haaa, today Love cooked Rishie's favourite Squid curry again! Sorry la...repeated shows only for now.. ;) Had BeansCarrot mixvege as side dish... :) New dish for ur view atleast... :)) Yesterday Love made Udang Masak Merah for Hubby!...He just loved it...he said it tastes so good! Can be done again! muahaha! haaapppyy! But sorry la, no pic coz Love had no enough time for a single pose! ;) Wokey! That's all for now! ;;) Sotong Masak Kari BeansCarrot Mix

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Buat Semua!...

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri buat semua kengkawan-cyber Love... Enjoyyyyyyyyyy! \:D/

Special Berbuka Puasa Meal at D'Taj...

As I said before, we went to D'taj restaurant near our place for Berbuka Puasa's a Mamak restaurant. Lotsa dishes, but we took whichever we liked only...cannot eat all at once... ;) So, the dishes we ordered...Briyani Rice Set, comes along with Acar Timun-Nenas, sayur kubis, kari dhalca, kari ayam, fried chicken n some masala chicken... ;;) Drinks were Teh Tarik n Sirap Limau Ais... :) Hehe, that's all for now! Nothing else to write! kekeke! :)) "Errr...let's get back home"... ;))

Rishie at Aeon Jusco Bukit Tinggi...

Hi everyone!!! How r u all doing there??? Busy with Raya preparations ker...biskut dah abis buat ker? ;) Well, smlm Love tak masak tau...kita keluar makan kat Chola Kitchen Restaurant..for a South Indian cuisine... :) After that, kita gi ker Jusco...saje berjln2...lagipun Hubby wanted to buy a new lepas beli...kita lepak kejap...tgk ada hiasan sempena Hari Rishie terus lari ke area tuh, nak berposing plak! hahaha! suka dia berposing tau! ;;) Jusco memang pack semalam, coz ramai last minute shopping...;) meriah sungguh! Then around 4:30pm kita gi ker Bazaar Ramadhan kat Tmn Sri Andalas plak..! Love memang teringin nak gi sana sejak Bulan Ramadhan bermula...mcm mcm ada! Kita beli murtabak ayam, ayam panggang madu, kuey teow goreng, popia basah, dan cempedak goreng! Beli sikit2 jer...tapi memang sedap dan mengenyangkan..! ;)) Gambar tak ade... sbb balik jer, kita sebat kesemuanya...malas nak berposing! :)) Tak puas Love! hahaha! Hari ni plak, Love dah...

Specially for Baby Mikael...

This message is dedicated specially to Baby Mikael, son of Mr Faiz n Ijan (Finland)... Love n family would like to wish Baby Mikael a speedy recovery...hope he gets well soon n can return home for Raya... :) To Mr Faiz n strong...everything will be alright... [-O

Yuhuuu! Hubby On the Way Back Home!....

Yuhuuu! My Hubby is coming backkkkk!!! Phew... time really flies huh! Thought he just left the other day but he's coming back already now! We really missed him alot!!! :( He's off from his ship at Namibia port, to Walvis Bay Airport > Johannesburg > Dubai (gotto attend a meeting with his company staffs 1st), then from Dubai Airport > KLIA! \:D/ Wow such a long flight! ;)) Will reach home tomorrow night we'll be up for him! Since he's coming back quite late, he just asked me to cook some Maggi Goreng for him...his favourite, especially if his Wife cooks it! ;;) Muahaha! So, I'll start doing his Maggi Goreng once he leaves from KLIA...hehe ;) Come to Us Papa!!! We r waiting for U! :)) Got lotsa things to do this break! \:D/ First of all, must go to Bazaar Ramadhan, coz Love didn't had the chance to go alone this time...We have only Friday and Saturday left to explore the Bazaar! :)) Second, must go to D'Taj Nasi Kandar Restaurant for B...

Vanilla Flan Pudding - Premier Show

Just wanted to try out the Vanilla Flavoured Flan Mix I bought few weeks ago... ;;) This pudding is so simple to make...coz it's a pre-mixture...U just have to boil some fresh milk, add the Vanilla Flan mixture and stir. That's it! U can also do like Puding Gula Hangus...but Love didn't do the sugar part...coz the pudding itself is sweet enough... So, here's the Vanilla Flan Pudding...( I've added some colourings to give it a better look!) ;) Ingredients :- 500ml fresh milk ( Love used full cream milk) 70gm Vanilla flan some colourings (optional) Method :- Bring milk to boil. Slowly dissolve the Vanilla Flan Mix in the milk while stirring continuously. Turn off heat. Add some colourings. Pour into moulds and allow to cool in the refrigerator. This pudding is abit better use a spoon to scoop it! :))

Mackerel in Thick Curry - * Repeat

Gosh, I just have no mood to cook today! Coz I'm terribly excited! Know why??? :-? But, Rishie already asked me to cook some I just cooked the Mackerel...hehe... ;)) As for the side dish, I fried some long beans together with pic...sorry! ;) I've posted the recipe for my Mackerel in Thick Curry, whoever interested can have a look here--> CLICK ! While I was busy cooking just now, Ijan came to my thoughts! Coz she liked this curry alot...and she even ate Cekodok Pisang dipped in the curry! :)) Something different!

Tak masak...!

Kekeke, ada ker letak n3 kalau tak masak pun??? ;)) Semalam pun takde n3 kan...Love memang masak smlm, buat Telur Masak Sambal...tapi takde time nak berposing...hmm...;) Hari ni plak, lepas hantar Rishie ker tadika...Love took Ashika jumpa Paed...ada appointment for her Prevenar vaccination, 2nd dose... :) Lepas ambik vaccine, kita balik jap...then keluar, tapau lunch...fetch Rishie, took him for hair-cut...then balik umah dah! Adey, itu pun dah penat! (:| #:-S So, saje letak n3 ...just to remind that Love is still around.. yeah! :)) Tadi hubby ada call :)] borak borak kejap...suka kalau Hubby call kita, Rishie takleh tunggu kejap pun bagi kita cakap dulu tau...hihi...kalau tak bagi dia ckp ngan Papanye, mesti muka masam! Cayang tul dia! /:) Woraittt...that's all for now! :-h

Squid Sweet & Sour...

Jeng jeng tuk hari nih, Love masak Squid Sweet & Sour... \:D/ Resipinya memang mudah sekali, mungkin sama gak dgn yang lain... ;) Love letak gak la resipinya yer... cara Love buat... ;) Bahan-bahannya :~ Bahan (A) ~ diperap 900gm sotong putih - dibersihkan dan dipotong bulat (ikut suka) sedikit garam 2 sb tepung jagung Bahan (B) ~ tuk menumis 5 biji bawang merah - ditumbuk lumat 3 ulas bawang putih - ditumbuk lumat 1 inci halia - ditumbuk lumat 1 batang serai - diketuk 2 sb cili kisar / cili boh (ikut citarasa) Bahan (C) ~ campuran sos 2 sb sos masam manis 1 sb sos tiram 1 sb sos cili Bahan D ~ 1 biji bawang besar - potong bulat 1 biji cili merah - hiris 1 biji cili hijau - hiris Garam dan Gula secukup rasa sedikit air minyak masak Cara-cara memasaknya :~ Panaskan minyak dlm kuali. Gorengkan sotong hingga masak. Angkat dan toskan. (pastikan minyak dah betul2 panas sblm memasukkan sotong) Kurangkan minyak dlm kuali, kemudian tumis bahan2 (B) hingga terbit bau ...

BirthDay GiveAway to K.DayangJack & Eyana...

Today is a very special day for K.DayangJack coz it's her Birthday, together with her Hubby...both same date! ;) Another Birthday Baby is,... Eyana (daughter of Hasue) who just turned 1 today! :) Love wish U all A Very Happy Birthday! May your life filled with lotsa joy, love and peace! \:D/ Some gifts for U both... For Kak DayangJack... For Eyana... 12-09-09 :)>-