
Showing posts from May, 2012

Moist Chocolate Cake (new recipe)

Mid-term school holiday is here! It's time for Rishie to relax and play with sister Ashika more. And I can enjoy being home rather than sunny, head-cracking outdoor! We spend most of our time with PS3...phew. Waiting for dear Hubby to return soon! Both my kids are chocoholics just like their Papa! When Rishie requested for a chocolate cake, I just thought of this recipe which is truly moisty, chocolatey and delicious. I find the sweetness was just right as we had the cake topped with choc ganache and Cadbury chocs. Luckily I had 2 little assistants who readily helped me to arrange the choc pieces. Ashika was really excited helping me out. She just likes to imitate whatever I do in the kitchen. Thus, I had to keep my knives and sharp tools way higher! Btw, she fell asleep while waiting for me to finish with the photoshoot, but nothing went right when I shot these pics. I completely screwed up with the settings and lighting...haha!  Enough said, here's the recipe to the sin...

Chicken Peratal ( Dry Chicken Curry )

A chicken dish again! LOL... This time it's my style Chicken Peratal ( Dry chicken curry ). If you add more water or coconut milk to this dish, it becomes Chicken curry :) The chicken pieces are marinated with the spices prior to cooking. You may omit the potatoes addition. Come, let's check out the recipe! CHICKEN PERATAL ( Dry Chicken Curry ) Ingredients :~ (A) Mix these ingredients together & marinade for 20 minutes 1 whole Chicken ~ cut into medium sizes 4 tbsp ginger - garlic paste 4 tbsp chilli powder 2 tbsp meat powder 1 tsp corriander powder 1 tsp turmeric powder 1 tsp garam masala powder 1 tbsp salt (B) Other ingredients  1 cinnamon stick 4 pcs cardamoms 2 star anise 2 tsp fennel seeds 1/4 tsp fenugreek seeds 3 onions ~ sliced 3 tomatoes ~ diced 3 green chillies ~ sliced 3 sprigs curry leaves 2 tbsp chopped corriander leaves 2 large potatoes ~ cubed ( optional ) 1 cup water 6 tbsps ghee Salt to taste Method :~ Heat gh...

Fried Eggs in Anchovies Sambal

Easy-peasy recipe. The anchovies and lots of onions make this dish special. FRIED EGGS IN ANCHOVIES SAMBAL Ingredients :~ 4 eggs 1 sprig curry leaves 3 cloves garlic * 4 shallots * 1/2 cup cleaned anchovies * ~ soaked in a bowl of water for 5 minutes 1 large onion ~ sliced 1 sprig curry leaves  1 1/2 tbsp chilli powder salt to taste 1 cup water cooking oil Method :~ Using a mortar and pestle, coarsely pound the soaked anchovies, followed by garlic and shallots together. You may also use a food processor but do not over beat them or else the anchovies will be too fine, powdery. Heat oil in a wok, fry the eggs one by one and dish out on a plate. Add enough oil and stir fry onions and curry leaves until fragrant. Add in the pounded ingredients. Keep stirring until they turn a little golden ( the anchovies will look a little fried ). Add water, chilli powder and salt. Stir and allow to boil. Place the fried eggs in the gravy. Stir gently. Leave to simmer f...


Back again after 2 weeks. Sorry for my absence as I was away due to cold and frequent headache. Guess I shouldn't be sitting infront of my laptop or G-Note! Btw, my new iPad has a new owner now...none other than my lil princess, Ashika ;) Before I continue, a heartiest welcome to new and old followers, readers and visitors...thank you very much for coming over and leaving all your precious views and also for those wonderful mails!!! So sad my Guestbook is no longer active coz has been shut down and there goes my GB!!! Whoever signed it...I lost all of 'em!!! Grrrr... Alright, let me share yet another chicken dish from my kitchen. It's just like my any chicken sambal...but's added with honey and coconut milk. SPICY HONEY CHICKEN SAMBAL Ingredients :- 1 whole chicken - cut into medium pieces 1 tsp turmeric powder  *8 shallots *6 cloves garlic *1 inch ginger *1 large onion *2 stalks of lemongrass *1 inch turmeric 6 t...