Moist Chocolate Cake (new recipe)

Mid-term school holiday is here! It's time for Rishie to relax and play with sister Ashika more. And I can enjoy being home rather than sunny, head-cracking outdoor! We spend most of our time with PS3...phew. Waiting for dear Hubby to return soon! Both my kids are chocoholics just like their Papa! When Rishie requested for a chocolate cake, I just thought of this recipe which is truly moisty, chocolatey and delicious. I find the sweetness was just right as we had the cake topped with choc ganache and Cadbury chocs. Luckily I had 2 little assistants who readily helped me to arrange the choc pieces. Ashika was really excited helping me out. She just likes to imitate whatever I do in the kitchen. Thus, I had to keep my knives and sharp tools way higher! Btw, she fell asleep while waiting for me to finish with the photoshoot, but nothing went right when I shot these pics. I completely screwed up with the settings and lighting...haha! Enough said, here's the recipe to the sin...