1411 ~ Ashika's 1st Birthday...


Little Princess Ashika born on this Auspicious Day last year! She turned 1 today! Wow, time flies u know! Felt like just so recent she came to this world!

Lots of moments and experiences b4 and while delivering this Angel...
Everything is still fresh in my memory...precious treasure...rindu

Anyways, little baby gal arrived to this world at 9:53am, Friday 14th Nov'08...such a lovely moment...and at that time she resembled her brother Rishie...just like getting a twin after 4 yrs! sengihnampakgigi

We named our princess,
Ashika...(means one without sorrow, someone sharp, desire).

Our days got sweeter with her presence...with her smile...with her looks...such a sweetie!peluk

Owh God! Do I have anything more to ask from You? I just want this Little Family stays as sweet as always...Our life is so complete now...doa

Dear Ashika, we wish U a very Happy 1st Birthday Sweetheart...

From; Papa, Amma and Bro Rishie...continue brightening our life with ur smile ;) We Love U dearie! love

Psst >>> My Hubby will be reaching Home this evening! So, it's a Double Celebration for us today!menari

Okey, let's have a small recap of Ashika....senyumkenyit


UPDATED... Birthday Greetings from fellow Blogging Frens! senyumkenyit Tenkiu so much ya!

From Aunty AlongRoz...tepuktangan

From Aunty Intan...tepuktangan
From Aunty CikMin...tepuktangan
This is your first Birthday
A very special one
A nice kind of day
For treats and lots of fun.
From the time you get up
Till you go Nighty night
Hope your first Birthday
Is a special delight.

Cake and Ice cream
Candles and Balloons
Joy and Laughter
Family and Friends
Gifts and Surprises
Time for celebration
!! TO YOU !!

Because today's your 1st Birthday
And you're so special too,
Everything that's happy,
Is being wished for you.
Have a lovely day

Hope lots of nice presents,
Surprises and fun
Help to make your 1st Birthday
An Extra Happy One!

Have a Super

-from google-

This cute teddy bear specially bought for u...

Tenkiu to all Good Hearts who wished for my birthday n sent me such a lovely greetings today!

love U all so much! cium
-from Ashika-


  1. My sweet little Ashika,
    Happy 1st birthday to you my lovely baby... may all happiness and success be blessed upon you along your way... Keep bringing the joy and smiles to your beloved papa, amma and bro Rishie... :)

    Dear Love,
    Really happy to hear ur husband is coming home.May you have a wonderful day and enjoy the great moments there. Take care! :)

  2. ashika...happy 1st bday from untie ye...

  3. Hai Love...
    Happy Birthday To Ashika...

    Semoga jadi anak yg cantik dan cerdik...senyum selalu ye...jgn kuat merajuk tau,sian mummy nanti..MUUUAAAHHH....for Ashika....

  4. Happy Birthday... Baby Ashika....You surely is an ANGLE....!I know you must be really proud to have both of them Love!....and surely with Papa around will be better to celebrate Ashika's Birthday!!!

    You take care ..okay Love...and regards to Hubby!

  5. so cute la ashika ni...happy bestday gegirl

  6. Happy birthday ashika.... so cute..
    and also happy belated birthday ler LOVE... sorry akak terlambat wish... tenet slow.. tiap kali nak comment... mesti tak bole...

    Hope for the best....

  7. Happy Birthday Ashika....

    cute la ur baby ni love...

  8. happy besday ashika! love..tlg hug n kiss her for me..tomey sgt!

  9. Dearest gorgeous Ashika,
    Happy first birthday. May you have a joyous day celebrating your big milestone today and may your life be surrounded by wonderful caring people always. Stay gorgeous always :-)

  10. "Happy befday ashika the cutest girl'..wau Love....best nyer..bolehlah celebrate bersama2..tak jauh bezakan tarikh lahir Love dgn Ashika"..May God Bless Both of You...

  11. Ijan --> Hi Aunty Ijan, tenkiu so much for ur wishes tee! May all the wishes come true for me! I will keep smiling to bring more joy n happiness to my dearest Papa, Ma n bro Rishie...;) fr, Ashika!

    Ijan, I'm so happy today! Though we haven't plan on any celebrations yet, still I'm so happy coz Hubby could be around with us today on this special day! Right now, he's still flying. Will reach Msia in the evening. Tks ya, U tc too!

  12. Fmina08 --> Tenkiu so much tee, fr Ashika! :)

  13. Kak Deeja --> Hi Aunty Deeja, tenkiu for ur kind wishes tee! I will make my little family proud of me! hihi..fr, Ashika! :)

  14. Kak Watie --> Hi Aunty Watie! Tenkiu cho much for the wishes tee! fr, Ashika! :)

    Hi kak, yes I'm truly a happy n proud mother today. Just want this happiness to stay forever! We'll be having a great time once the Papa arrives! ;)

  15. Eryn --> Hihi, tenkiu Aunty Eryn! I like U too! fr, Ashika ;)

  16. Kak Noorhodza --> Hi Aunty Noor, tks for wishing me today! n for saying me cute! hihi...fr, Ashika ;)

    Kak Noor, no worries ya! Tks for the wishes! We hope for the best too! :)

  17. Rishazalia --> Hi Aunty Zalia, tenkiu cho much for the wishes! n for saying me cute...fr, Ashika. :)

  18. Eicah --> Hi Aunty Eicah!!! Tenkiu for ur wishes tee! Mummy hugged n kissed me on ur behalf aledi! ...fr, Ashika ;)

  19. Kak LemonGrass --> Hi Aunty LG, tks for coming over to wish me today! Hope ur wishes come true for me too. Tks for saying I'm gorgeous...hihi. fr, Ashika ;)

  20. Kak Tintacyber --> Hi Aunty TintaCyber! Sorry I dunno ur name. Tenkiu for wishing me today! Owh, n for saying I'm the cutest gal! Cho happy today! Yeah, Mummy n Ashika's birthdate is just 1 week gap...tenkiu tee! fr, Ashika ;)

  21. Happy besday to sweet ashika.... May you happy.. happy.. happy.. and happy... become 1 year n more happy coz you have a lovely and caring family and extra happy coz having a mum who so rajin to cook chicken...Tell your mum that you are old enough to have another member in your family... having sister or brother is fun... ehehehehh

  22. Happy 1st bday to sweet Ashika!!!! She is soooo gorgeous!!!!

  23. Kak Che'Iza --> Hi Aunty Iza! Tenkiu for ur sweet wishes tee! Yup, my Mummy likes to cook chicken. Once I grow up a little more, I'll be able to eat the those chickens together with my bro!

    Uh, another member??? I think this is enuff, our family is so complete now! I wanna be the youngest so that will get extra attention! HIHI...fr, Ashika! ;)

  24. Kak Ain --> Hi Aunty Ain! Tenkiu for ur wishes tee and for saying I'm gorgeous! Huhuhu...fr, Ashika ;)

  25. Hi Ashika, (also her mummy.. :)
    Happy birthday to you...
    Happy birthday to you...
    Happy birthday to sweet little Ashika,
    Happy birthday to you..
    Moga senyumanmu kekal selamanya..

    Ashika ni fotogenik, kan? dlm gambar semua dia senyum-senyum....
    mummy Ashika pun senyum2, sbb papa Ashika pun nak balik kan? hehehe

  26. epi besday ashika cumil n so kiuttttttttt!!! geget pp tuh kang!!! hehehe....

  27. epi buffday dear ashika.....so cutes geram tul linda tgk..
    kak love..tlg kiss ashika 4 me ^_~

  28. Nurindah --> Hi Aunty Nur, tenkiu for singing a bufday song for me! So happy! Tenkiu for commenting on my photos...n for saying I'm photogenic! huhuhu!

    psst, Mummy cho happy today, dunno if it's bcoz of my Bufday or Papa's return! ^__* ..fr, Ashika!

  29. Kak Hana --> Hi Aunty Hana! Tenkiu for wishing me! Uiks, tee wanna bite my little cheeks huh? Oh noooo! I'm running away now! hehe, tks tee! fr, Ashika!

  30. Linda --> Hi Aunty Linda, tenkiu so much for coming over to wish me tee! Uiks, y geram see me??? Mummy kissed me on ur behalf aledi! huhu...fr, Ashika! ;)

  31. happy bday to ashiqa darling..she is so cute..may god bless her wit happiness and good health always!

  32. happy birthday to u, sweet little ashika chan....

  33. happy 1st birthday to sweet little ashika..

  34. Happy Birthday to Sweety Ashika...what a lovely and smiley face...so cuuuuuttteeee...May you be blessed and always bring happiness and joyful to your family..Smile and Cheeeeeeeesssseeeee....muaaahhh!!

  35. Anits --> Hi Aunty Anits! Tenkiu cho much for wishing me today ya! May the wishes be with me always! fr, Ashika ;)

  36. Kak Fa'e --> Hi Aunty Fa'e! Tenkiu for wishing me tee! fr, Ashika ;)

  37. Kak Nor --> Hi Aunty Nor, tenkiu for coming over to wish me tee! Cho nice of U...fr, Ashika ;)

  38. Kak Ummi --> Hi Aunty Ummi! Owh tenkiu cho much for the wishes tee! I will keep bringing joy n happiness to my family tee! Tenkiu for saying me cute n smiley face. Mmuuaxx! fr, Ashika ;)

  39. Hi love..
    come to wish ashika a hepi 1st besday..
    give a besday kiss to ashika for me..emmuahhh

  40. hEPI 1sT bIRThDAY To tHE cUTESt bAbY aSHIKA...wITH A BIG hUG fROM aUnTie E-Na...

  41. Hapyy birthday to sweeta ashikaa:)
    comel la auntie gerammm tgk pipinye yg kiut tu:)

  42. Happy birthday to little ashika...
    May god bless & fill ur life with happiness n all joy..
    Tolong cubitkan manje n kiss pp ashika for me ya love..plss2..hehe..
    Suka tgk gambar ashika lagi2 yg masa baju kuning..soooOoo cute!

    *woww..ur hb dah balik yer..mesti a big celebration!

    Psstt Ashika..show us ur 1st step..hihi :)

  43. happy 1st b'day ashika dearie! :)

    p/s: ashika dah pandai jalan ke kak love?

  44. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY...ASHIKA...sory yek...untie terlambat wish besday.Love....hubby dah balik yea...mesti bestkan celebrate besday Ashika 1famli

  45. hai love..happy belated birthday..Ashika..sorry lambat wish..lepas ni boleh celebrate sama dengan papa..

  46. ada kek dan gambar untuk Asyika kat rumah untie tu..bolih ambil ya....he...he...

  47. happy birthday sweet ashika. may you life full with blessings:)

  48. happy birthday ashika dan salam perkenalan dari saya...

  49. Happy Birthday Ashika ... Masya Allah, she is so beautiful

  50. Allkmurni, Kak NJ, Kak Ena, Kak Mummyseri, Hasue, Lyana, Kak Ina, Kak Intan, Cheryna, Kak Alimaz, Kak Ham, Raihana -->

    Tenkiu to all of U for ur great wishes! Ashika cho happy to see u all here! Take care! ;)



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