Homemade Chicken Rice again...

Ramai dah balik kampung ker...long weekend holidays lagik! Anyways, wish U all have a safe journey back to kampung and wherever U all go...Hati2 di Jalanraya !

Okey, for today's lunch Love did Chicken Rice again as per Hubby's request...!
So, layan jer la gambar lunch kita orang yer! For the Chicken Rice Recipe, pls CLICK!

Hi Love!!!
ReplyDeleteBanyak hari tak sempat melawat Love nie... How r you guys doing? sedappnye nasi ayam tue.. nak ayam dan cili lebih ye... hehehe :)
hello... look wonderful.. salam perkenalan dari nur... jemput singgah ke rumah
ReplyDeleteDear Sis LOVE..I have been away as well..and was busy..last few weeks....but you are always in my heart...take care & enjoy with what you are doing!!!
ReplyDeleteIjan --> Hi Ijan...yeah Love was busy too Ijan. kekeke! baru dpt time nak update blog nih! hihi, will do the chicken rice for U next time! :)
ReplyDeleteNur --> Hi Nur, welcome to my cyberhome! I've visited urs too! :)
ReplyDeleteKakWatie --> Hi Kak! Owh, I'm touched that U didn't forget me! hehehe! ;) Same to U, take care always! ;)