Ashika's Birthday Celebration...

Hi everyone! :hi:
Well, I don't wanna talk much here...straight to the main news...kekekeke!sengihnampakgigi

Here are some pics taken during Ashika's 1st Birthday celebration last Saturday evening, 21st November'09...

A small party was held at
Chola Kitchen Restaurant (click to view their webpage)...

This restaurant is just newly opened, situated right opposite Aeon Jusco Bukit Tinggi...
U may find all delicious menu here especially South Indian cuisine. kenyit

The reason we chose this restaurant is bcoz of their elegantly decorated indoor. The restaurant has a delightful ambiance...

Thus, we booked a long table for 20 pax for the night...also pre-ordered the was definately tasty...specially cooked for our party...very good! tepuktangan

The cake in box...

Chocolate Indulgence from SR...

Cake is ready...

The Birthday Gal, Ashika...waiting for guests...senyum

Ashika enjoying a piece of cake...

Rishie and Ashika with their cousins and my younger sis...

Ashika with my sisters...

Ehem ehem...who's that cutting cake with Ashika??? encem picture terblur plak!

Dessert for the night! The best Aiskrim Goreng I've had! lapar


  1. is that you..??? sweet!!! bestnya kumpul ramai2 celebrate bday ashika!!! ashika pun look so sweet too!!!!

  2. i love ice-cream goreng!
    LOVE, is that your pix?

  3. ashika makin sweet la..
    love!!! cun nyer patut la anak2 comel :)

  4. Wahhh best nya... lama tak makan ice-cream goreng. LOVE... sedap tak makan kat sini... nak cuba, tunggu nor jalan2 cari makan lagi... hahahah....

    U Cun mcm ashika..

  5. is that u love?wow...look gorgeous..the only gambar yg blurr pulak ye love..

  6. Kak Ain --> Hehe, yes kak. It's me! pic terblur plak coz too much of movements! Anyways, Love pun malu gak nak show my face...kihkihkih! Tenkiu for the compliments ya ;)

  7. Cheryna --> Hi Sha, Love pun suka aiskrim goleng! Yeah, that's me Sha! :)

  8. Kak Noorhodza --> Hi kak...hehe. Yes kak, the food at CholaKitchen is okey! Suits our taste...:)
    Nanti akak jln2, maybe can try also! :)

  9. KakMin --> Hi Kak!! Yes kak, it's me! The only pic dah terblur...hehehe ;) Gorgeous ker? tak kot??? hehehe :)

  10. KakNor --> Hi kak! Hehe...Like mummy??? hihi tak kot??? shy shy Love tau! :)

  11. Alalaaaa...nak cubit ashika dulu..emmmpphhh!
    Enjoy jer ashika makan kek yerr..

    Pastu nak cubit mama ashika pulak..hihih..
    memang gorgeous love wonder ur kids so cute.. ;)
    Pandai pulak kamera tu blur kat situ yer love.ekeke..tapi at least ada gambaran laaa...tq for sharing ashika's wonderful day..

    last but not least...Emmmpppppphh*cubit pp ashika lagik.hihih

  12. Hi Love!!! How are you my dear? hopefully semua sihat2 ye.. wow.baru dapat tengok gambar Love nie... cantik orangnye. nape letak gambar blur pulakk? saje je tau!
    Ashika mesti seronok ada birthday party tu kan. ramai juga guest yang datang tu sampai 20 orang. Mesti bulan disember ni Rishie nak mummy dia buat party untuk dia jugak :D

  13. Hi LOVE...lawanya Adik akak ni yer..ala-bintang filem do look -a- like..macam your little sister...sweeet...sgt!Wah Ashika....happy yer...celebrating ramai2 tu...I am very busy as you know..sebab dah nak raya ni sorry yer...tak terjawab komen kat blog I tu!!!Bye Sweettttt mummy!

  14. Hi kak Love,
    ha...baru nampak orangnya. takpe, blur pun still nampak iras2...Ashika, the bitrhday girl, mesti dia pelik nape ramai2 org keliling dia. hahaha. mesti sonok bila kuarga berkumpul. :)
    Ais krim goreng, fuh, mencairkan hati...

  15. hi love...nice photos...n celebration...ashika luk good with her pottu...n u luv first time seeing u in the blog..n that one aso blur....very the surprise ah? anyway d icecream...hmmmmmm.. ok love have a nice day!

  16. Helloooooo cute and cheerful girl!! Wishing you a very Happy 1st Birthday..may you be blessed for the whole life through...Seronoknya dia dapat makan and have a mini party tuh... Mama n papa bg hadiah apa eh..^_^

  17. Hasue --> Kiki...Mummy pun kena cubit ker Sue? Tak gorgeous lor Love nih, simple2 jer muka nih tau. :) No mention, just for sharing! ;)

  18. Ijan --> Hi Ijan, we all are doing very good here ya! hehe, mmg gambar Love terblur...cantik ker? hihi.

    Yeah, Ashika was happy jer during the party. Rishie got a surprise for his birthday...hehehe ;)

  19. KakWatie --> Aisey malunya Love! Love look simple jer kak...not at all like a film star...kekeke! ;)
    Oh yeah, everyone says my younger sis n Love look alike...cuma Love dah much chubbier now! hihihi ;)

    Yes kak, Love know akak very busy right now. Still tenkiu so much for coming over n commenting ya! All the best for ur business! Keep well! ;)

  20. Nurindah --> Hehe, pic terblur kan. Nampak iras2 cukup la tu kan. Hehehe. Yeah Ashika memang tengok keliling all the time, kenapa ramai sgt orang nih? hehehe.

    Aiskrim goleng tuh mmg my favourite. Sedap sgt! ;)

  21. Anits --> Hi Anits, hehe. We always put pottu for her, but sometimes she just takes it away lor, always missing. Hehe, first time Love appearing on my very own blog...but that too blurred already! kekeke! ;)

    That fried ice cream is mouth watering la! I just loved it! hehehe ;) Tks Anits!

  22. Kak Ummi --> Hehe, we hosted a small party jer this time. Maybe buat grand on her 3rd birthday. Tenkiu for wishing Ashika ye kak. May all the wishes come true for her.

    Papa n Mummy bought her lots n lots of dresses! hehehe ;)

  23. Wah last dpt tgok pic u..blur pun x pe la..janji dah nampak love...jgn la cantik pun..tgok ashika jer dah very sure mummy dia mesti lawa punya...

  24. hai love..walla ..dpt jugak tgk muker you..patutlah anak-anak you cun...happy birthday sekali lagi buat ashika...semuga nanti dah besar cute mcm mama dia...

  25. Kak NJ --> Hihi, Love shy shy nih! Tak cantik la simple looking jer! heeeee!

  26. Kak InaKL --> Aisey akak pun buat Love shy shy tau! Love simple jer looking...heeee! Tenkiu for ur wishes ye kak! ;)

  27. is tht u,sis love?
    so sweet.. <3
    post la pic yg x blurr plak..
    mst ramai nk tgk...

  28. Anonymous --> Hi Anon, yeah it's me! hehehe! tenkiu3! Errr, I dun have any clearer pic of mine lor! sowwy...letak pun semua lari kang! hahaha!

  29. oh..lamanya tak mkn aiskrim goreng. ingt nk belajar buat sendiri tp tak terbuat lg. yg pakai baju biru tu kak love ye? tak clear la muka..letak la gmbr yg clear ;)


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