A Surprise Gift from Dear Hubby...

Jeng jeng jeng!!! Love got a surprise gift from dear Hubby specially on our 6th Wedding Anniversary today! :">
Pagi tadi, Hubby kata nak gi breakfast...after some time, he came back with this special gift! Sony Handycam!!! :-O
Memang Hubby dah tahu Love wanted a handycam kot! kekeke...much smaller version than his handycam ;)
The label...

The case...

The handycam...

Senanglah Love nak ambik handycam nih gi mana2 pun, coz it's toooo handy! :)) Tenkiu dear Hubby!!! Love U!!! ;;)
Anyways, we planned to celebrate our Anniversary at Amarin Thai Restaurant kat Midvalley Megamall today...but unfortunately, Rishie wasn't feeling well past 2 days. :(
Lepas dia makan KFC on Saturday, he had diarrhoea and did throw up a few times...taken him to doctor too...hmm...
Hari nih, dia tak gi tadika pun, better take complete rest la erk...moreover, he won't be able to take any spicy food right now...lagi2 Thai dishes...! ;) He memang peminat Tomyum Kung!
So, we postponed aje la our plan...We'll celebrate together another day once Rishie fully recovered. :)
Hari nih, Love masak simple sesangat! Will update that maybe later today or tomorrow only! Till then, take care all! ;)

semohga hubby LOVE cepat seumbuh k! waaaaauuuuuuuu...rasa sangat jeles bila tgk love punya present...macam nak dtg curik je (boleh tak...? takdelah, gurau je!)
ReplyDeleteCheryna --> Aiks, my son Rishie yang not feeling well la Sha...hihi ;) Hubby okey jer! ;)
ReplyDeleteHihihi, I know u r kidding! :)
hey my fren, happy 6th anniversary.. so sorry for the late wish.. baru sampai rumah.. a bit bz today.. nanti boleh la pinjam handicam tuhh.. opppsss gurau jekk :)
ReplyDeleteIda --> Hehe, no worries fren! Tks for the wishes yer! ;) Nak pinjam, bolehhhh! :) Tc!
ReplyDeletewow...best hadiah tu. jgn lupa guna tau. jgn jd mcm akak, hubby belikan handycam, sampai la ni belum guna lg. dh setahun gak, hadiah anniversary gak!!
ReplyDeleteLove, ini sudah baguuussss!!!! What a lovely present...rasanya semua kita2 kat sini pun nak jugak kan..ahaakkss! X larat dah guna dgcam cokiauuu nih! Bestnya...satu lagi idaman akak jugak ni..xtau la bila leh dpt..Akak tumpang gembira tuk Love..Hoping Rishie will get well soonest n have a wonderful celebration with both of you!! Lepas ni mesti gambar really cathing punyer..hehee...makin berselera la tengok.. :D
ReplyDeleteK.Ain --> Hehe, Love will surely make use of this handycam. Mmg berguna tuk Love, incase nak ambik vdo emergency ;) Tks again for ya wishes yer kak :)
ReplyDeleteK.Ummi, Tenkiu so much KakUmmi. Hubby Love mmg dah tahu Love nak handycam nih! kihkihkih! It's ez to carry around ambik vdo. Rishie is much better now, no more diarrhoea n vomitting. Tks for ya concern ye kak! ;)
ReplyDeleteSalam Love...Happy 6th Anniversary...just hop in dari blog Ida (Sunkist)....Akak doakan moga jodoh kalian kekal hingga ke akhir hayat.....& to your son Rishie...get well soon....thought I have known you....masa kat MYR...its been quite sometimes ago...you keep well!
ReplyDeleteAlahai ciannye Rishie tak sihat pulak. Hopefully he's getting better really soon.
ReplyDeletePsst, really nice handycam u got there. Wah.. baiknye hubby die hadiah best2 aje kat beloved wife.... lepas nie blh letak video la pulak kat blog ye :)
K.Watie --> Hi Kak, tks alot for ya wishes! Yeah, I still remember U! Always seen ur name kat other blogs too! hihi ;)
ReplyDeleteIjan --> Tks so much for ya concern. Rishie is okey now, Love plak yang dah sakit! But..better now.
ReplyDeleteHihi, Hubby knows what I'm looking for! ;)
Surely will post vdos next time! :)