Diwali E-cards from Fellow Cyber Frens...*Updated*
Hi everyone, Diwali is just around the corner erk! Coming 17th, Saturday.. all Hindus around the world will celebrate this festival of lights. :)
As for Love and family, we will not be doing any open house this year...but we'll be visiting our nearby relatives...hehe ;)
In conjunction with this special celebration, I'm so happy to receive these e-cards from my fellow cyber frens...tenkiu soooooo much for ya thoughts ya! Really appreciate that! ;;)
My heartiest thank you to All of You! :)
Greetings from KakWatie...
Hi! I would like to send this special greetings to Love and family....Hope you will recover soon....since I believed Mr Hubby is taking very good care of you & the kids!
Akak harap Love akan menyambut Diwali dengan meriah...dalam kesederhanaan....and kalau makan tu ingat-ingatlah....kawan-kawan....semua yer!
To Rishie & Ashika....you guys behave yourselves okay....and hope mummy will get well soon!
Happy Diwali all across from Penang....
with warmest thoughts from Kak Watie & Family!
Greetings from Lyana...
Near few more days , religious people of Hindu will celebrate Deepavali. As a Malaysia people I also are not left behind to wish Happy Deepavali at all religion devotee Hindu especially for Love and family. Hopefully happy celebration.
Greetings from Ida@Sunkist...
Dear my friend, I would like to wish you and your family a very happy and prosperous deepavali. May this year bring you LOVE, good health and lots and lots of happiness in life and fulfill all your dreams :) Hope this Diwali celebration is great and safe! Enjoy & god bless. kalau ada buat Rangoli kt umah tu, jgn lupa snap pic... nakk tengokkk :D hehe
Greetings from Ijan@Blogresipi....
We would like to wish a very Happy Diwali to all Hindu friends in Malaysia especially to Love and family! May this coming Diwali brings lots of happiness and joy. To Love, don’t forget to post some pictures in ur blog later ya! 
Greetings from KakCikMin...
Dear Love & Family...CikMin wish u a very Happy Deepavali.
Greetings from Kak Ieta....
hai LOVE.......... happy diwali to all hindu ....especially to my best friends....LOVE....hope yau happiness N enjoy this diwali in yaur family.....dont forget maruku for me tau.....
p\s jangan lupa snap gambaq apa2 pun la semasa diwali nnti tau.....ha klu leh la...snap la gambaq love n family sama no....
Greetings from Kak AlongRoz...
Happy Diwali to my dearest friend Love & family - hope you enjoy the celebration. Also dedicated to all Malaysians...
Greetings from Hasue...
To Love n family: Enjoy ur dewali's moment n may you have a prosperous life with all ur family n friends..Harap sudi laa amik kad nih n gantung kat umah love yer..bagi terang umah tu sempena hari deepavali nih..hehee
*Cubittt2 pp ashika yang chumel tuh.masa deepavali nih mesti lagi chumel dak kecik love nih..hihi...
Cubit2 manje jerr...ashika x nangiss pon..hiks!Love,jgn lupa share gambarmaruku masa dewali yer... ;)
As for Love and family, we will not be doing any open house this year...but we'll be visiting our nearby relatives...hehe ;)
In conjunction with this special celebration, I'm so happy to receive these e-cards from my fellow cyber frens...tenkiu soooooo much for ya thoughts ya! Really appreciate that! ;;)
My heartiest thank you to All of You! :)
Greetings from KakWatie...

Akak harap Love akan menyambut Diwali dengan meriah...dalam kesederhanaan....and kalau makan tu ingat-ingatlah....kawan-kawan....semua yer!
To Rishie & Ashika....you guys behave yourselves okay....and hope mummy will get well soon!
Happy Diwali all across from Penang....
with warmest thoughts from Kak Watie & Family!
Greetings from Lyana...

Greetings from Ida@Sunkist...

Greetings from Ijan@Blogresipi....

Greetings from KakCikMin...

Greetings from Kak Ieta....

p\s jangan lupa snap gambaq apa2 pun la semasa diwali nnti tau.....ha klu leh la...snap la gambaq love n family sama no....
Greetings from Kak AlongRoz...

Greetings from Hasue...

*Cubittt2 pp ashika yang chumel tuh.masa deepavali nih mesti lagi chumel dak kecik love nih..hihi...
Cubit2 manje jerr...ashika x nangiss pon..hiks!Love,jgn lupa share gambar

happy diwali utk love sekeluarga. sori tak sempat nak sediakan kad sbb kejap lagi dah nak cuti2 m'sia.. enjoy your raya ya Love..
ReplyDeleteHi Love. Happy Diwali in advance to you and your family. We wish this diwali brings happiness and joy to everybody. Kalau sudi, jemputla amek kad di rumah kami ye. Kalau tibe2 nk buat open house, jemput2 kami ni.heheh :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Diwali Love!!! semoga ceria di hari raya!!!!
ReplyDeletehappy Diwali buat Love sekeluarga. Semoga bergembira yer my dear friend.
ReplyDeletehappy diwali my dear fren.. masak apa for raya? pic tu jgn lupa ambik.. kita pun nk tgk jugak camne u raya! ;) hihi
ReplyDeleteK.Nor --> Tenkiu for ya wishes kak! Have a great cuti2 msia yer! ;)
ReplyDeleteIjan --> Tenkiu so much my fren! It's a lovely ecard! ;) Hihi, my hse always open! hihi
ReplyDeleteK.Tun --> Tenkiu kak!!! ;)
ReplyDeleteIda --> I won't be cooking for this year Diwali. hihi! Kita jln2 cari makan this year! kekeke...;) tks for the lovely ecard ya! :)
ReplyDeleteK.Ain --> Tenkiu so much kak!! lovely thoughts! :)