Rainbow Marble Pudding...

Well...tengok post title jer semua dah tahu what Love made today kan??? hehex...
Yeah...Love buat Rainbow Marble Pudding...after so much temptation looking at Kak Ummi and Kak Ain's pudding! Uish...memang boleh buat orang terliur looking at theirs kan...!
Love buat cepat2 pagi tadi...marble pun lari lintang pukang! kekeke

No matter what, this pudding is simply superb! Rishie loved it too...

These are the leftovers...itu pun dah kena sebat lepas berposing tadi...huhu...
Anyways, layan the pics for now! Yang nak try...pls help urselves, okey! Jgn malu2 tau!

Love CnP the recipe from KakUmmi...
Rainbow Marble Pudding by Blackmore (forum cari.com.my)
- 1 paket agar2 serbuk (13 gm)
- 675 ml air
- 225 gm gula pasir
- 65 gm butter
- 4 biji telor saiz sederhana
- 1/2 tin susu cair Carnation (Love guna Ideal)
- 1 sudu makan tepung kastad
- 1 sudu makan serbuk koko
- 1 sudu teh esen vanila
- beberapa titis pewarna merah dan kuning (Love letak 3 warna)
- Masak agar2 bersama air dan gula hingga mendidih. Tutup api dan ketepikan.
- Pukul telor sebentar dengan whisker, masukkan susu dan tepung kastad, kacau sebati. Tapis.
- Kemudian masukkan adunan yang ditapis tadi ke dalam agar2 dan kacau hingga rata.
- Masak semula hingga adunan mendidih, kemudian masukkan butter dan esen vanila. Kacau rata.
- Bahagikan adunan ke dalam 3 mangkuk berasingan. Masukkan warna koko (bancuh bersama sedikit air) dalam salah 1 mangkuk dan kacau rata. Masukkan pewarna kuning dan merah berasingan dalam 2 lagi mangkuk.
- Ambil loyang empat persegi ukuran 9 x 9 x 3 in. Sanggakan salah satu hujung loyang dengan buku atau lain2 alas.
- Tuangkan satu senduk adunan merah, diikuti satu senduk adunan kuning dan satu senduk adunan coklat berselang seli. Buat hingga habis.
- Letakkan kembali loyang pada kedudukan asal dan masukkan ke dalam peti sejuk. Bila telah keras, potong dan hidangkan..
Love buat rainbow puding ker nih??? wakakakaka!

The recipe in English! UPDATED *
Ingredient :~
- Agar2 powder 1 package (13 gm)
- 675 ml of water
- 225 gm of sugar
- 65 gm butter
- Size 4 seeds simple egg
- 1/2 can of evaporated milk
- 1 tbsp custard powder
- 1 tbsp cocoa powder
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- food colourings
Method :~
- Boil water with agar-agar powder and sugar until dissolved. Turn off heat and set aside.
- Beat the eggs briefly with whisker, add milk and custard powder, stirring well.
- Strain the mixture into the boiled water, mix.
- Return to heat until mixture boils, then add butter and vanilla essence. Stir well.
- Divide mixture into 3 separate bowls. Enter the color of cocoa (mixed with a little water) in either a bowl and mix well. Yellow and red food color in two further separate bowl.
- Take a square baking pan measure 9 x 9 x 3 in or any moulds.
- Pour a ladle of batter red, yellow followed by a ladle of batter and a scoop of chocolate batter alternately. For until the end.
- Place the tray in refrigerator until it sets down :)

banyaknya variasi pudding ni!E-na dtg awal ni nak yg big love tu!!
ReplyDeleteWaaa.... kak tie dah buat tadi, tapi tak tepek kat blog laa.. terlupa, hehe... Apa-apa pun, memang sedap !
ReplyDeleteLove...where's mine?nak jugak yg bentuk love tuuu!!hihi.
ReplyDeletecome closer ashika..aunty miss u so muchh..cubit pp dia!larikk2..
Mama suka pudding ni. Sedap sungguh kan... Rajin betul Love cut guna cutter. So baki tepi-tepi tu, masuk mulut siapa ye? Hehehe...
ReplyDeletemacam mana love potong jadik cantik?macam2 shape pulak tue..
ReplyDeletetak boleh jadi nih...kena try jugak!
ReplyDeleteDah rainbow dah tue Love... cantik kaler kaler macam tue... guna mould cute2 lak tue :D Rishie selalu jadi tester ek.. nk join jugak :D
ReplyDeleteKak E-na ~~> Hehex...akak nak big Love tuh erk? Okey, no worries...ambik jer! huhu :)
ReplyDeleteKak Tie ~~> Yeayyy...kita buat puding hari nih! Click! ;)
ReplyDeleteHasue ~~> Hehehe...take whichever U want Sue! Hehex..nak Love gak erk..urmmm kena tanya Kak E-na! :))
ReplyDeleteMamFami ~~> Hi Kak...hehex. Tak rajin kak..malas sikit..potongan pun tak cantik! Huhu...sapa lagi if not my dear Rishie...stand by always! :)
ReplyDeleteAurikelsan ~~> Hehehe...Love used the cutters jer..mmg got in various shapes cutters tuh. :)
ReplyDeleteKak Azian ~~> Hehehe, jgn lupa hantar kat Love sikit ye kak! :)
ReplyDeleteIjan ~~> Hihi, ada cam rainbow erk Ijan...ok la then, I'm happy! Rishie is the main critic of my food! Klu sedap, he'll give thumbs up..if not, straight forward he'll say NO NICE! kikiki :)
ReplyDeleteHai Love..what a lovely marble pudding..give me some...cantik pulak Love guna cutter camtu eh...so creative!!
ReplyDeleteVery tempting la...must try, maybe for new year!
ReplyDelete-Mommy Ash Levin-
Wahhh Love, tertinggak ketepi lah..Ramai nya nak chopp yang love shape tuuu..Kite pun nak rebut jugalah...
ReplyDeleteAgak-agak sempat lagi tak?
Kak Ummi ~~> Hehe kak! Take it ya!...saje guna cutter, tks kak! ;)
ReplyDeleteMommy Ash-Levin ~~> Hi! Yeah, give it a try! Lemme know how it went! :)
ReplyDeleteSue ~~> Sempat lagi Sue...! Love kena buat lagik kot...hehex! ;)
ReplyDeleteyeye nak wat lagi ke puding tu?
ReplyDeletenak cop yang love jugek..
cantik pelangi2nyer ;)
vavava....look nice & yummy!
ReplyDeletetak kisah la love shape ke O shape ke, asal dpt puding tu jadi la.. nak sket.. masuk list la love..
ReplyDeleteKak Mummyseri ~~> Hehehe...yeah kak. Nanti Love buat lagik..:))
ReplyDeleteKak Fa'e ~~> Hehehe...sure kak! mmg sedap puding nih! ;)
ReplyDeleteKakNor ~~> Hi KakNor...hehe okey kak! anything for U! ;) Akak buat mesti lagi cantik!!!
ReplyDeleteapa brand 1 paket agar2 serbuk (13 gm) ? kalau boleh, tunjukkan gambar 1 paket agar2 serbuk (13 gm) ? kerana ada agar2 serbuk yg pernah saya buat selalu tak jadi..saya telah ikut langkah2 yg diterangkan dlm agar2 serbuk kononnya tak jadi..
ReplyDeleteEvelyn...I didnt find 13gm agar2 packet too. Mine is 10gm packet...so just added another 3gm to it. Others follow as per recipe.
ReplyDeletewow that looks so tempting... can i have the english version of this please...
ReplyDeleteHello Anon..thank you for the request. I will update the english version soon :)